Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Preliminary report on Nepal

    Preliminary report on Nepal

Nepal is a small country located in the Southern Asia landlocked between India and China at 28 00 North Latitude and 84 00 East Longitude. If you compare its area, it is slightly bigger than the Arkansas state of the US. Climate in Nepal varies from cool summer to severe winter in North to subtropical summer.

The first civilization in Nepal started around 6 B.C. And it was only around the Kathmandu valley, the capital city. ( http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107820.html October 20, 2009) Nepal has about 36 main ethnicities ( http://www.nepal.com/culture/ October 20, 2009). Some of the major ones are “Chhetri”, “Brahmin”, “Magar”, “Gurung”, “Newar”, etc. All these people have their own language and culture. The biggest festival of all these people is “Dashain”. During this festival, people return home and celebrate the festival with their families and friends. Another interesting fact about Nepal is that it is the holy land of Lord Pasupatinath ( the Hindu God) and Lord Buddha, founder of Buddhism. Hindus and Buddhists have lived in Nepal with religious tolerance for centuries.( http://www.nepalinformation.com/ october 20, 2009) When it comes to food, Nepal has really good variety of cuisine affected by the Indian sub-continent and the Tibetan border. Mainly rice is used in day to day life accompanied by spicy curry and pulse soup. Eating rice with hand twice a day is a ritual everyday.

Do not feel offended if any Nepalese hesitates to shake hands with you because it hasn't been very long since the western traditions were introduced to them. Most Nepalese greet one another by a “Namaste”, a common act done by putting the palms together in a prayer like gesture.” ( http://www.nepal.com/culture/ October 20, 2009). Marriage is also an integral part of Nepalese culture.


  1. Good info, you could add a little more. There are a few others doing Nepalese culture- you could look at their page.

  2. Hey friend, you should look at my post. haha! You know the best about your country, so give us more fun information!!! :D

  3. good information, you could add other information that will make your interview more fun and less boring. good luck!

  4. The information are good. Hope your interview is successful.

  5. I have got good information about Nepal.I think your prepared for your interview.

  6. you may want to take the website address out of the content and organize it neatly....but good information though

  7. Very informative report. Hopefully the information is helpful in conducting your interview.

  8. you should cite your sources in the chicago style.

  9. I tought the hands shaking informations was very interesting. Very informative!

  10. same here, I thought the Namaste was pretty cool. good luck

  11. You should add more about the culture. What do they eat?

  12. Looks good. You seem to have all the necessary information that can help you in your interviews. Good job.

  13. If you can add some special aspects of Nepalese culture that are different from others, that will be better!
