Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Objectives for the Interview

    I really want to do my interview in a proper way because I'm excited about this topic for personal reasons. US is diverse and it has embraced many cultures and nationalities since its inception in the 1700s. However, being raised with a particular nationality in the US is different from coming from the respective country itself with lots of cultural barriers. So, I have thought about some objectives which would lead me to conduct the interview in a smooth way. They are:
  1. First and foremost, I would like to be prepared myself for the interview by picturing what its motivation would be like at the end and do some quick rehearsal too.
  2. Next, I have to convince three international students with similar physical and cultural backgrounds for the interview. They have to be eager and interested to be actively involved with their ideas and perspective.
  3. Then, I should arrange  for a quiet place, date and time suitable for the interviewees.
  4. My next target is to do a thorough background study of the students' countries so that I won't be embarrassed myself by asking culturally-awkward questions.
  5. As I would be mostly asking questions to them related to their culture (cultural stereotypes, things they like or don't like about their culture) and perspectives on different issues, I also want to compare and contrast these aspects to the American culture and perspectives. At the same time, I would want to make them feel relaxed and comfortable about what they are saying.
  6. I would also ask them about any problem they have been facing in and out of class and what did they do from their side to minimize it.
  7. Another interesting question to ask would be coming to St. Cloud State University (SCSU). Why did they choose to come to this part of the USA and not other states?
  8. Again, as English is considered as an international language, I am eager to know when they started to learn English. Was it in middle school or only later in high school or not at all? How is that helping or affecting them in their class performance right now? Does their professor address these issues while teaching in a classroom?
  9. Another big issue would be to find out if they had been a victim of racism at any phase at SCSU. Were they verbally offended or was it more than that? How did they respond to it?
  10. At the end, I would be going through all of my interviews, transcribe the 2 best out of 3, write a detail analysis of it with additional ideas and a suitable conclusion (and probably the objectives at the beginning of the paper again).
-Vishal Gurung


  1. good idea to get background information of their country.

  2. Great Objectives, gave some ideas.

  3. Your objectives are very detailed. It is very influencing as well..

  4. You have a well organized and thoughtful objectives. I will use some of the objectives as a sample. Good job

  5. I like the no.5 objective. The comparison will let us see more clearly about the differences between two cultures.

  6. i like the objectives, being personally excited for the interview should make yours very good.

  7. I think you have many interesting issues! I like your thoughts and think your all interviewees will be willing to give you nice reponses! Good luck, friend. :B
