Friday, October 2, 2009

Objectives of my interview

  1. To be mentally prepared for the interview, find an appropriate place and time for the interview, and make necessary arrangements (like pen, paper, recorder, etc.).
  2. To make the interviewee feel comfortable and relaxed by asking some casual questions at the beginning and get the best out of them.
  3. To know the common issues of international students while living away from home.
  4. To learn about the cultural stereotypes from their country.
  5. To try to understand how their language could be a barrier to communicate with other students in the American class.
  6. To know about their intention of studying in an American university.
  7. To know how and when did they learn English and how much it has improved as they are living right now with Native English speakers.
  8. To know if they had been a victim of racism and if it is, try to find the circumstances in which it took place.
  9. Finally, integrate all the information from the interview with what you have known from other sources like internet, books and media.

Vishal Gurung


  1. I like number 1, preparing mentally is the most important thing in an interview because there may be a language barrier and you have to be patient and take your time to understand what they want to say.
    SISAY G.

  2. I like that you want to be prepared. You defiantly know what you want to learn from the interview. Good job!

  3. Good ideas! i like number seven a lot!

  4. No.8 is impressive because I've never thought of racism issues.

  5. great objectives, I think that you are ready to go.

  6. #8 is an interesting objective.

  7. It looks like you have though out your objectives very well and will be well prepared for your interview!!!

  8. Awesome! I actually like number 8 alot, becuase they definately have faced situations like these, if not then they are too lucky!
    Good luck.


  9. really neat and well organized!! I strongly agree on the last one. Further studies and research will be extremely helpful to learn more about the culture. I believe you'll have a great experience and learn a lot in the report.

  10. i like number one, preparing mentally is a big part and could make the interview easier.

  11. Great ideas! Your objectives are very well thought out. I think you will do great with your interview.

  12. With the objectives that you have i think you will have a successful interview

  13. Very detailed and specific objectives!

  14. I really like your objectives, especially the first one. I think that you are well-prepared for the interviews! Good luck to you!!!

  15. Your objectives are awesome very well organized and thought out! you will have a great interview if you hold to these!

  16. to make the interviewee comfortable is important so that they feel good to talk with you. I like your objectives~

  17. These are all great ideas for questions. You will go far with these. I especially like number 4 it would be interesting to see if all the stereotypes are true.

  18. Your objectives are well presented. Your first objective i really like because it will be the key in having a successful interview. Good Luck!!

  19. You look very prepared. You have focused in topic like racism that is very different from what other have come up with their objective.
